Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Chabako (Tea-Box) is a traditional Japanese hand-made box made out of JapaneseCedar, which was used to preserve and transport tea leaves since the late Edoperiod (1800s). Inside is lined with tin for protection against humidity, insects andoxidation.Although Chabako gave way to aluminum packaging/carton boxes as thestorage/carrier of tea leaves, it is now used as the storage for kimono/obi, jewelry,antiquities, watches/cameras, albums and dry food (tea, coffee, rice, pasta, etc.). Itssustainability and the ecological quality are very much relevant today as ever.The Chabako used by us is made in the province of Kawane (Shizuoka Prefecture),a renowned tea production district. The timber used are mostly above 30 years oldand are first exposed to withstand the weather for at least 2 months to strengthenthe wood against volatile climate of Japan. After that, it is soaked in water andplaced under compressor, flat-dried completely. Then, it is meticulously crafted intoChabako by the hands of seasoned craftsmen.Sadly, as many other traditional craft industries, there is a serious decline in bothdemand and supply. The surviving craftsman of Chabako counts only 5 in all Japanas of July 2020. In such circumstances, the “fabric-covered Chabako” is seen as theway to recover the demand of Chabako.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kyo-Yuzen – Fujii Hiroshi.
Tegaki Kaga-Yuzen – Toshiharu Hisatsune.
Tegaki Kaga-Yuzen – Toshiharu Hisatsune.
Nishizinnori – Hashimoto Orimono.
Nishizinnori – Hashimoto Orimono.
Nishizinnori – Hashimoto Orimono.
Nishizinnori – Hattori Orimono.
Nishizinnori – Hashimoto Orimono.